Monday, May 7, 2007


We got a call that there was a jumper on a ledge on the US Grant Hotel, just across the street from the UT office. As it turned out, the best vantage point for me was on the roof of the newspaper building, almost directly across from the guy. By the time I got set up on the roof with a tripod and telephoto lens, there were several people talking to the guy. Lee Grant is a reporter from the Union, the hairy guy second from the left. Frank Saldana, fourth from the left talked to him for quite a while until this fireman crawled out on the ledge with him. As I recall, the fireman talked to him for a while until he came close enough for several folks to grab him and pull him to safety. The sad part is that all the while there were people on the street yelling "jump, jump." They must lead some pretty sad lives.

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